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3D Printing Aids in Allowing Pedro the Miniature Pony to Better See His Visitors

pedro8One of the most rewarding things for me about covering the 3D printing space, are the tremendous stories that I get to hear about the technology coming to the aid of animals in need. We’ve seen the technology used to bring prosthetic devices to many different breeds of dogs, as well as ducks, turtles and other cute and cuddly creatures.

Of all of the different animals that we have seen benefit from 3D printing, I don’t believe we have quite yet seen a pony reap the benefits of the technology. That is until today.

Pedro, the miniature Shetland pony stands only a couple feet tall, and he had been experiencing quite the problem. He has been living in a stable at the Ebony Horse Club in South West London, which happens to be way oversized for his tiny body. When people come visit him, he can not see over the high walls which divide him from these visitors. Pedro is a favorite of kids and adults at the horse club, but some of the children were upset that he was at such a disadvantage because of his lack of height.

“When I first heard about Pedro, I didn’t believe it but when it was my turn to ride, I literally ran all the way from my house just to see if it was real,” said one young rider named Grace Mpungi. “It was like I saw a miniature version of [a horse]. I wanted to ride him but he was too small for me.”

In order to help Pedro come up with a solution to his height disadvantage, many of the children at the club came up with different ideas to increase his height. These ideas included some rather comical, yet thoughtful things such as large helium balloons to give the pony a lift, and four individual high heel shoes that could be fitted to Pedro’s hooves. However, the best solution, was one to create a 3D printed “PedroScope”, which could utilize 3D printing technology in order to create a device which would allow visitors to see into Pedro’s stable. It works using mirrors, in the same fashion as a periscope.

With the help of a company called “Print and Cut” the idea became a reality.

“We got an email from the Ebony Horse Club who were asking for our help. It was so nice, and a little bit funny, that we decided to give it a go,” explained Andy Morris, the owner of Print and Cut. The sketch was sent to us and then I turned it into a 3D sketch with some software, and then it was sent to be made. It was all quite easy, and we did it for free to help Pedro.”

The ‘PedroScope’, as it’s called was built by a man named Gavin Hall. It measures an incredible 5 feet tall, and ultimately allows Pedro to see out of his stable and interact with his visitors who can see him as well.

“It took me about three hours, so it wasn’t too bad really, but it was a strange few hours working on a pony periscope,” said Hall.

While the PedroScope works like a charm, the Ebony Horse Club is currently trying to raise money to build Pedro a new stable. In fact, you can donate to their cause by texting PONY44 along with an amount you’d like to donate to 70070 (i.e. PONY44 £2).

What do you think about this unique 3D printed creation? Discuss in the 3D Printed PedroScope forum thread on 3DPB.com.

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