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CGTrader’s Top 3D Printable Models of the Month: From attractive women to Pokémon

CGTrader has become one of the top sources for discovering and sharing 3D models on the internet. It is a perfect solution to finding those 3D models that you want to edit, modify, or just use the way they come. When it comes to 3D printing, CGTrader understands that all 3D models are not created for the purpose of printing, so they have created a special section of their website dedicated to 3D printable models. This allows those with 3D printers to download these models and fabricate them at home, use a service such as 3D Hubs to have them printed, or purchase the models already printed from a CGTrader designer.

Just like browsing any of the many 3D model repositories out there, it can be overwhelming to find some of the top designs. While CGTrader makes it easy to find some of the more popular designs, they were kind enough to provide 3DPrint.com with their top downloaded and viewed designs for the last month. They are as follows:

Top Viewed 3D Printable Models

1) Girl on Chair

For those of you who like the slightly seductive designs to print in the privacy of your own home, this one might just be for you. This very “busty” woman sitting in a chair should have no problem at all making friends with your 3D printer, barring it has a build area of at least 8.64 x 12.64 x 5.61 cm. If not, you surely can scale her down. If you don’t have a 3D printer, you can purchase her already printed for a price tag of $170.90.

2) Iron Giant

Are you a fan of “The Iron Giant” animated film? I remember watching this movie about 15 years ago, and was actually quite the fan myself. Now you can purchase this giant 3D printed for just $10.17, although the print will be far from “giant”. It only measures 1.33 x 1.25 x 1.48 cm in dimensions.

3) Mobius Nautilus

This compound mobius strip is created out of 36 interlocking pieces. Try staring at this and figuring out the intricate weaving pattern. We dare you!

4) Bulbasaur 1mm Thick Succulent Planter

For all you Bulbasaur fans out there, this is the perfect planter for your favorite plant. Coming in a variety of colors, it is sure to match which ever room you plan on putting it in.

5) Michelangelo II

Taking 2.5 hours to print, this detailed model of the Michelangelo statue makes for the perfect attention grabber no matter what you plan on doing with it.


Top 5 Downloaded 3D Printable Models

1. Snowflake Ornaments

2. Voronoi Style Bracelets

3. ABC Puzzle

4. Boeing 747 Model

5. Hinged Polyhedra Nets and Snap Tiles

There you have it, the top 5 viewed and top 5 downloaded 3D printable models from CGTrader for the last month. Which of these are your favorites? Do you plan on ordering or printing any of them yourself? Discuss in the CGTrader top 3D printable models forum thread on 3DPB.com.

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