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RepRapPro Introduces The Huxley Duo 3D Printer

The RepRap movement has been the driving force behind the widespread availability of affordable desktop 3D printers. By providing the open source framework for startups to launch off of, quite a bit of competition has emerged and driven down prices, while also spurring on further innovation.

RepRapPro, a collaboration between RepRap Limited and eMAKER Limited, has been one of those forces driving this technology and subsequent movement forward. Dedicated to open source 3D printing since 2011, the company builds, sells and distributes designs of several unique printer models in kit form, at prices which won’t break the bank. This week, the company has unveiled their latest RepRap kit for a new printer which builds off of the successes of their original Huxley 3D Printer, called the Huxley Duo. The first Huxley 3D Printer originated from an Indiegogo campaign, launched by RepRapPro, over three year ago. This new machine will have the following specifications:

The printer, which is very tiny for its build volume, doesn’t lack in ability, as you can see above. Its all metal, dual nozzle-ready, RepRapPro Quick-Set hot end is sure to provide printing capabilities which are on par with many of the more expensive machines on the market today. Additional features which make this printer stand out, are its Z probe for automated bed plane compensation, its 32bit ARM based electronics and its ability to be controlled via a web interface using an ethernet network.

The kits for the Huxley Duo are available immediately on the RepRapPro website for £290.00 ($454) with the plastic parts already printed. For those of you who have access to a 3D printer and wish to print your own parts, you can pick the kit up a bit cheaper, at just £237.50 ($372). The electronics within both kit types are already pre-soldered, so no complicated electronics work is required for assembly.

Let us know if you have purchased and assembled this new machine from RepRapPro. How did the assembly go?  Did you run into any major problems? Discuss in the Huxley Duo forum thread on 3DPB.com.

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