The Toys “R” Us Bankruptcy and the R&D Tax Credit Aspects of 3D Printing
3D printing is a disruptive technology affecting nearly every manufacturing industry, with the toy industry being no exception. Increased competition from online retailers and other technology oriented developments (that include…
“3D Printing” – What’s in a Name?
I devoted a section of the first chapter of my book, [easyazon_link identifier=”1516946790″ locale=”US” tag=”3dprint09-20″]3D Printing Will Rock the World[/easyazon_link], to what I call “The Name Game.” My premise: “3D…
New “Crackers” Will Drive 3D Printer Plastics R&D
According to, plastic is the most dominant 3D printing material, accounting for 73% of all 3D printing materials used. The good news for the 3D plastics sector is that…
Patience, Kids! Mattel’s ThingMaker 3D Printer Release Delayed Another Year
Once you become a parent, the word ‘patience’ becomes central in your world. Most likely, you are never in full supply of this wonderful quality again, but you find yourself…
From Creepy Crawlers to 3D Printers: Mattel Resurrects the ThingMaker
One sign that I’m getting old is that I’ve started to do the “back in my day!” thing more often than I’m entirely comfortable with. One example of this is…