laser powder bed fusion

Analysis of Side Branching in Microstructure Development During Laser Powder-Bed Fusion

Researchers are delving further into analysis of laser powder-bed fusion techniques, recently publishing their findings in ‘The role of side-branching in microstructure development in laser powder-bed fusion.’ As manufacturing of…

3D Printing News Briefs: February 7, 2020

In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, ASTM International is developing a new AM standard, and 3D4Makers is launching a Luvocom PEKK filament. INMETRO has partnered with Farcco to raise awareness…

AddUp Partners with ORNL for 3D Printed Metal Tooling

French metal 3D printing group AddUp has entered into a $2.7 million agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to push laser powder bed fusion (PBF)…

Critical Parameters for Inconel: Studying the Effects on Inconel 719 During Laser Powder Bed Fusion

In the recently published ‘Effect of the Most Important Parameters on Properties of Inconel 719 Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion,’ Finnish researcher and thesis student Kalle Kohtanen attempts to…

Aerosint, Fraunhofer IGCV & Vectoflow Form International Consortium: Additive Manufacturing Research Funded by Eurostars

An international consortium featuring startup Aerosint (Liège, Belgium), Vectoflow (Munich, Germany), and research institute Fraunhofer IGCV (Augsburg, Germany) has received a substantial grant from the Eurostars program of the Eureka…

Eliminating Porosity in Metal 3D Printing through Thermocapillary Force

In ‘Pore elimination mechanisms during 3D printing of metals,’ researchers from around the world explore more about refining laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology through the use of imaging and…

Fraunhofer ILT Heads Up AddSteel: Development of New Materials for the Steel Industry through Additive Manufacturing

The North Rhine-Westphalia Leitmarkt project AddSteel has just been announced, targeting digitalization of the steel industry. This project launch marks the beginning of a three-year project headed up by SMS…

3D Printed Snakeskin Shows Potential for Industrial Use in Mechanical Traction

In ‘Exploring Convergence of Snake-Skin-Inspired Texture Designs and Additive Manufacturing for Mechanical Traction,’ US researchers outline their findings in a study where they made an interesting choice for experimenting with…

Researchers Examine Effects of Gas Chemistry in Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion

In ‘Influence of atmosphere on microstructure and nitrogen content in AISI 316L fabricated by laserbased powder bed fusion,’ the researchers take on the challenge of creating parts via laser‐based powder bed fusion (L-PBF)…

Boom Supersonic Working with VELO3D to Make Metal 3D Printed Hardware for Supersonic Flight Demonstrator

Metal 3D printing startup VELO3D came out of stealth mode last year with its innovative, support-free laser powder bed fusion process that offers a lot more design freedom than most metal…

US Researchers Study Ways to Eliminate Pore Formation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printing

In ‘Dynamics of pore formation during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing,’ US researchers continue to improve on 3D printing, exploring how to prevent pores from forming during laser powder…

Bone Regeneration: Continued Potential & Success with Titanium in Additive Manufacturing

In ‘Bone Regeneration on Implants of Titanium Alloys Produced By Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A Review,” the authors examine the continued potential for titanium in bioprinting, as this metal continues…

Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning in Laser Powder-bed Fusion Fault Detection

Researchers from the University of Liverpool outline their findings regarding the automatic detection of faults in additive manufacturing products in a recently published paper, ‘Automatic fault detection for laser powder-bed…

Aerosint & Aconity3D Teaming Up to Advance Multi-Metal Applications in Additive Manufacturing

The latest collaboration in metal 3D printing has been announced today as Belgium’s Aerosint and Germany’s Aconity3D team up to develop more advanced laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and added…

Renishaw Using Metal 3D Printing to Create Custom Styli for Manufacturers

This past summer, Renishaw introduced a 3D printed version, made with its metal laser powder bed fusion technology, to its range of available styli. Now in the new year, the company is launching even…

US Army Learning About and Using 3D Printing to Improve Military Readiness

The US Army has long been putting 3D printing to good use. In an article published in the latest edition of Army AL&T Magazine, senior editor Steve Stark takes a deep…

Betatype Reducing Build Time and Cost for Manufacturing 3D Printed Orthopaedic Implants

Founded in 2012, London-based Betatype works to increase the productivity and efficiency of metal 3D printing, so that it can be used as a viable production technology. The company has worked…

Results of Daimler and BMW AutoAdd Project Show that 3D Printing for Mass Production in Automotive Industry is Possible

Within the framework of the “Photonic Process Chains” funding initiative by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), several partners – two research institutes and five companies, to…

Luxury Watchmaker Collaborates with Betatype to Design and 3D Print Titanium Watch Strap

London metal 3D printing company Betatype, which was founded in 2012, provides functional 3D printed components to customers in a variety of industries, including aerospace, industrial motor sports, and consumer. Recently, the…

Defense Logistics Agency Awards Senvol Grant to Predict Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Parts

New York-based Senvol, which provides data to companies to help them adopt 3D printing into their workflows, has been pretty focused on military applications as of late. The company joined the National Armaments…

VCSEL Process Developed by Fraunhofer ILT Reduces Stresses in Metal 3D Printed Components

Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (Fraunhofer ILT) is responsible for a great deal of research into 3D printing. The institute has developed technology that addresses common problems in metal additive…