Inconel 718

Study Shows Anisotropic Properties of 3D Printed Nickel Super Alloy K418 (713C)

3D printing materials don’t just suddenly appear and get put to use without further thought – there is a great deal of study that goes into them, particularly metal materials….

Researchers Investigate How Tensile Strength of 3D Printed Inconel 718 is Effected by Cooling Rates

Nickel-chromium alloy Inconel 718 is often used to 3D print parts for various fields, including automotive, aerospace, and medical. Resistant to corrosion, the material can withstand high temperatures, but cools very…

Washington State Researchers Simplify Multi Material 3D Printing

Multimaterial 3D printing has become slightly more common recently, but it’s still complicated and difficult, especially in industrial 3D printing. Single material 3D printing is still much more common, but…