ASTM International
3D Printing News Briefs: December 19, 2018
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, a maker has published a free 3D print management app in the Play Store, while Formlabs works to continue accelerating its growth in the Asia…
ASTM International’s Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Welcomes Strategic Partner NAMIC, Announces First Round of Projects
About a year ago, international standards organization ASTM International announced that it would be setting up an Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence, and began enlisting partners to help launch the center. The…
3D Printing News Briefs: August 21, 2018
We’ve got plenty of business news for you in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, and a little scientific research as well. Kelyniam Global has acquired new 3D printing technology, while…
ASTM Adds New Metal 3D Printing Standards, Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Partner
Metal 3D printing is an extremely fast-growing sector, and as it grows, the need for standards becomes increasingly important. Metal 3D printed parts are being used in markets such as…
ASTM International Selects EWI, Auburn University-NASA as Partners for Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence
Toward the end of last year, international standards organization ASTM International announced that it was seeking partners for the creation of an Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence. The organization put out…
ASTM International Seeking Proposals for New Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Partners
International standards organization ASTM International develops and publishes technical standards for a range of materials, products, systems, services, and industries, including additive manufacturing, around the world. The non-profit organization formed its…
“3D Printing” – What’s in a Name?
I devoted a section of the first chapter of my book, [easyazon_link identifier=”1516946790″ locale=”US” tag=”3dprint09-20″]3D Printing Will Rock the World[/easyazon_link], to what I call “The Name Game.” My premise: “3D…
Furthering 3D Printing Worldwide: ISO & ASTM International Create Additive Manufacturing Standards Development Structure
There’s certainly a lot to be said for getting in at the beginning of something new and amazing like 3D printing—a realm that began with no rules because so few…
3MF Consortium Brings on ASTM International in Final Preparation for Standardized 3D Printing File Format
There’s just nothing like getting in on a good thing at the very beginning, and especially when you’ve had a hand in creating it yourself. Tech titans like Microsoft certainly know…
3D Printing Services Marketplace 3Diligent Joins America Makes and the ASTM F42 Committee
Southern California’s 3Diligent has announced that they have officially been granted membership into the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, America Makes, as well as ASTM International (formerly American Society for…