3D printing tactile materials
Researchers Develop Technique to 3D Print Flexible, Electronic Sensory Devices, Bringing Us One Step Closer to Printing on Human Skin
Researchers have been working hard to create 3D printed robotic prosthetic hands that look, and feel like, a real human hand; a team at the University of Wollongong developed a…
Lehrmitt Design Studios Introduces a New Dimension to 3D Printed Product Design Surface Skins
This year, design company Lehrmitt Design Studios celebrates their 20th anniversary – and they certainly have a lot to celebrate. The Austin, Texas-based company has been in the business of creating unusual,…
Back Tactile Vision Graphics’ Campaign on Indiegogo Now to Further Accessibility for All with First Braille-Friendly 3D Printer
It would certainly be great if we could all follow that ‘how to start a new business’ rule book and begin with that luxuriously and ever-so-perfect formula, possessing a plump bankroll…