3D printing in the UAE
2016 in 3D Printing: Your Favorite Stories from the Last Year
2016 has been — let’s say a mixed bag; while this year saw the loss of beloved celebrities, a heated US election, Brexit, Zika, an escalating crisis in Syria, and…
UAE Government Plans to Lead in 3D Printing and The Fourth Industrial Revolution Overall
It’s a good thing that Dubai is so over the top, so luxurious, and so full of glamour that we’ll very likely never tire of hearing about the vastly wealthy…
16,000 Jobs Opened in the UAE This Year, 3D Printing Tops List of In-Demand Skills
It wouldn’t be a normal week if we didn’t write something about Dubai. If you’ve been following 3D printing news at all, you’re certainly more than familiar with the city…
Dubai Recognizes the Need for Standardization in 3D Printed Construction
You may have noticed that Dubai and 3D printing seem to be always together in the news lately. While its reputation for luxury is still unparalleled anywhere else, the famed city-state…
Dubai Health Authority Hospitals to Begin Using 3D Printing Technology Next Year
While before you may have associated Dubai with glitz and glamour, now that may be changing as the Dubai government seems to be all about looking toward the uses of…
Technology on the Metro: Dubai Begins Using 3D Printing to Improve Public Transportation
There’s been a lot of talk about Dubai in the 3D printing world lately – in fact, that’s an understatement. The United Arab Emirates city-state is working hard to become…
World’s Largest Accelerator Initiative Launches in Dubai
If countries had a tag line, the United Arab Emirates might do well to adopt “Go Big or Go Home” for its own. The tiny country is known for its…
The Dubai 3D Printing Strategy: Will Print Teeth in Minutes, Make Prosthetics for $110 by 2025
It’s simple: Dubai wants to lead the world in 3D printing. And boy, do they have a plan. While many have vague goals and hopes as they see a bright…
DEWA to Construct 3D Printed Laboratories in Dubai’s Solar Park
When the city state Dubai—which is the most wealthy and luxurious of the seven city states making up the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—is brought up in conversation, the discussion generally…
The UAE Projects Dramatic Percentage Dubai Homes to Be 3D Printed Soon, Presents Multi-Tiered Strategy
Dubai is a dramatic locale that most of us equate with luxury, billionaires and their cohorts dripping in gold, and financial resources that are bigger than big—the kind that most…