online streaming service for 3D designers and makers

Kwambio’s 3D File Platform Officially Launches Today, Offering Hundreds of Beautiful 3D Designs

Kwambio has been on our radar for quite some time as they’ve worked diligently toward today’s launch of their dynamic 3D file platform. Along the way, they’ve sprinkled their path…

3dfilemarket Partners with Authentise to Allow Users & Designers Greater Ease & Copyright Protection

As our world of technology progresses–nearly every day it seems–so does the way we receive data; and that’s been something that’s always under refinement, from the phone to the fax…

MyMiniFactory TV is a Streaming Chance to Show Off Your 3D Design & Printing Skills says it’s the world’s largest, curated 3D printable object download platform for designers, and they’ve now announced the creation of MyMiniFactory TV. launched during June 2013, and their…