Extrusion-based bioprinting

Singapore: UV-Assisted Extrusion-Based Bioprinting to Make GelMA Hydrogels for Soft Tissue Engineering

It’s difficult to manufacture complex tissue constructs with the necessary mechanical properties and structure integrity when you’re with bioprinting in soft tissue engineering. Typically, scientists will use materials, like PCL,…

Biogelx Launching First Product Range of Synthetic Bioinks for Variety of 3D Printing Applications

In 2013, a company called Biogelx was spun out from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland for the purposes of developing tunable, synthetic materials for use in 3D cell cultures and…

McGill University Researchers Review Bioprinting with Soft Materials: Challenges & Solutions

Researchers in Quebec from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University are delving into more specific topics regarding cell fabrication and tissue engineering in ‘Extrusion bioprinting of soft materials:…