3D printed fingerprints

Imgur User Beats New Samsung Galaxy S10 ID Scanner with 3D Printed Fingerprint

While we have become well familiarized with the concept that ‘there is an app for that,’ today another common statement in tech-savvy circles is ‘well, you know you could 3D…

Could 3D Printed Fingerprints Help Criminals Break Through Security? MSU Researchers Demonstrate It’s Possible

The digital revolution has created a whole host of new problems involving identity theft. With so much of our personal information stored online, we’re all vulnerable to the risk of…

3D Printing Changes the Landscape of Jewelry Design

When a couple is ready to make the big commitment, there is a lot of pressure to find just the right symbol of that lasting bond. For some, the ring…

Police Hope to Solve Murder by 3D Printing the Victim’s Fingers

Sometimes life seems like a bizarre episode of Law & Order. In the latest episode of “life is stranger than fiction,” a computer science professor has been tasked with helping police…

Small Canadian Jewelery Store Goes Big with 3D Printing & Customized Options, Customers Become Designers

The fingerprint certainly couldn’t be a better symbol for the world opened up to so many of us by 3D printing, not to mention a totally cool piece of jewelry…