AMS 2025

Humble Bundle & Make: Name Your Price for 3D Printing & Drones e-Books–Help Kids Become Makers Too


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make_logo_cmykAre you looking to read up on 3D printing? From how to’s on getting started to advanced techniques to the fascinating history of this technology, if you’d been scouring your library, bookstores, and eBook selections just a couple of years ago, you would have perhaps been surprised to find virtually nothing. But given just a bit of time and an expanding community, while the makers have been making, the writers have been writing—and often they are one and the same.

With more content becoming available, now companies like Make: and Humble Bundle are teaming up to see that you are able to find a variety of stimulating, informative, and inspiring eBooks and magazines, all part of their mission to continue providing accessibility to and affordability in learning about technology, and especially from within the making community. They have another mission as well, and that’s to see STEM education furthered through your purchases, as profits go to learning opportunities for kids through Maker Ed when you buy.

Make: and Humble Bundle are also coming together to offer you more than just good deals—you can actually name your own price. And if you aren’t already familiar with Humble Bundle, they are a great resource for getting a good price and helping at the same time. Known for fantastic digital content and their pay-what-you-want deals, Humble Bundle allows customers not only to choose how much they pay, but with other promotions, you can actually decide where your money goes. Founded in 2010, they have raised more than $65 million for a variety of good causes, providing funds and aid to many around the globe.

hb“We are thrilled to be once again bundling with our good friends at Make: in support of the fantastic Maker Ed,” said Kelley Allen, Humble Bundle’s Director of Books. “The Maker Movement endeavors to inspire the inner inventor within all of us by sparking creativity, resourcefulness and curiosity. Last year, I attended Maker Faire Bay Area and was blown away by the experience and the staggering amounts of imagination, inventiveness, and pure joy I found there.”

The content available in this Humble Bundle Make: 3D Printing and Drones bundle includes:

  • 21st Century Robot: Sci-fi short stories are interwoven with real instructions for building your own walking, talking robot in this amazing book from a professional futurist.
  • Make: magazine, Volume 44: “Enter the Drone Zone.”
  • Make: magazine, Volume 37: “Homegrown Drones.”
  • LEO the Maker Prince: Follow the adventures of LEO, a magical 3D printer, and his pal Carla in what is perhaps the first fiction tale about 3D printing ever written for kids!
  • The Maker’s Manual: A practical and comprehensive guide to becoming a hero of the new Industrial Revolution that is the Maker Movement.
  • Make: 3D Printing: What do you need to know once you’ve taken your first steps into the world of 3D printing? This book gives you the tips, tricks, and skills you need
  • Best of Make, Volume 2: Featuring 65 projects for all skill levels as chosen by our editors and taken from the pages of Make: magazine.
  • The Makerspace Workbench: The ultimate guide to creating and outfitting your own Makerspace with instruction and amplification on everything from screwdrivers to 3D printers.
  • Make: magazine, Volume 12: “Invasion of the Blimp Bots.”

UntitledWhen you offer a price point of $15 or more for the bundle above, you also receive the following:

  • 3D Printing Projects: Learn to make nine different projects in this compilation book led by Printrbot founder Brook Drumm.
  • Getting Started with Drones: Everything you need to know to build and safely operate your own personal unmanned aerial vehicle.
  • Design for 3D Printing: Basics, how-tos, projects, and tips from the team that founded France’s influential LeFabShop will help you 3D print like the pros even without design experience.

The Humble Bundle Make: 3D Printing and Drones bundle runs from February 3rd-February 17th at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Also, on February 10th, look for three new titles to join the bundle! You can do so by subscribing to Humble Bundle, and then logging in on that date to see what they are.

Headquartered in San Francisco, Maker Media is the publisher of Make: magazine and the producer of Maker Faire. It also develops “getting started” kits and books that are sold in its Maker Shed store as well as in retail channels. The Make: brand caters to a universe of more than 25 million makers collectively across its Make: magazine,, Maker Faires, and Maker Shed properties. Tell us your thoughts on this promotion in the 3D Printing Book Bundle forum over in

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